Stop The Downward Spiral

The Downward Spiral.  When we feel like we are losing control and sinking quickly.  Just like the Titanic, we sink into turbulence and trouble in our lives that results in feelings of exhaustion, isolation, or decreased self-confidence.  That downward spiral can be powerful and quick.  Pressure and stress at work and at home can lead to negative thinking, negative self-talk, and a persistent state of distress, anxiety, or depression.  It doesn't always start off quickly, but once it gets going, it can get out of control quickly.  We get trapped in our thoughts and paralyzed by feelings of inadequacy...but you may already know that.

Stopping the spiral can be tough but is doable. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help to combat the negative messages, negative thoughts, and negative outlook that usually accompanies that erosion of wellbeing and self-confidence. 

But here are a few strategies I use with my clients to assist in the process:

  • Create a gratitude journal.  Throughout the day, write down some of those instances that leave you feeling happier, more satisfied, or more fulfilled.  Even if its just a little bit happier, it counts and should be recorded.  Focus on those happy and thankful moments and review them each evening and again in the morning the next day.  We can remind ourselves of those happy moments throughout the day and realize that things might not be as bad as we think they are.  Without those reminders, we forget those happier moments pretty quickly and remain stuck in the muck. 

  • Get up and do something.  Staying busy and accomplishing tasks throughout the day can remind ourselves that we are productive, competent, and that we can do things.  Sometimes keeping a log of the things we've finished or completed can remind us of what we've accomplished, even if it is just folding the laundry or vacuuming the living room.  This “got it done list” is a good visual reminder of the things we accomplished throughout the day.  You could even keep a got it done list for work that reminds of you how productive you actually were throughout the workday.

  • Get out and do something.  Even though that downward spiral might leave us feeling exhausted and like we don’t have any more energy except to do what absolutely must be done, we can still do just a little more.  Spend some time with friends or family.  Go out and do something active even if it is just taking the dog for a walk or watching the kids' soccer practice.  Being outside and doing something will actually result in having more energy rather than less energy.  I know, it sounds counterintuitive, but sometimes spending a little more of our energy doing something we enjoy can reward us with more energy and a little sense of accomplishment.  More energy creates more opportunities to be active and do other things that we enjoy.

These are some simple options that most people can use in their daily lives to manage that downward spiral.  But, sometimes that down spiral gets out of control and can lead to depression which is more persistent, more pervasive, and more difficult to manage.  If that is the case, than please seek out a good therapist to assist in getting into a Positive Energy Mindset.



Build Your Resilience


The Downward Spiral