Therapy for Students in Memphis and Throughout Tennessee
Rediscover your Best College Life
Counseling for College Students That Goes a Step Further

College: The Best and Worst of Times
You started freshman year with high hopes, excitement, and ready to take on the world. You were ready for anything and everything. Excited for new adventures and opportunities, looking forward to football and basketball games, and meeting new people from all over. You moved into your dorm or your first apartment ready to adult like a boss. You loved your classes and made lots of new friends.
And then things started getting difficult. You started having trouble sleeping. You struggle to stay focused in class and when studying. You worry about how you are going to get all those papers, projects, and assignments done. And your teachers don’t let up and keep on going at a pace that you just can’t sustain.
And its not just your classes. Its all the other stuff that is overwhelming, too. Too much activity, too many options, and not enough time to get everything done. There are too many people and you feel like you can’t get a moment of peace anywhere.
You’re overwhelmed, exhausted, and worn out.
College can be tough. In fact, most students experience some increased depression or anxiety at some point during their college career. Maybe you are struggling with…
Pressure to drink or use other substances
Drinking too much or more than you would like
Not eating well and not exercising
Oversleeping and missing classes
Missing your family and friends from home
Trying to decide on a major or a career path
You just don’t feel like you anymore
You can have Balance in College
College can be exciting, challenging, scary. It can be the most fun you’ve ever had and the most anxiety you’ve ever felt. Sometimes all at the same time. You can enjoy time with new friends while staying on top of your studies. You can accomplish your goals and take on new challenges and opportunities.
With a bit of help and support, you can start feeling more prepared and get better grades again. You can learn how to balance sleeping and enjoy college life. Most of all, you can feel more relaxed and more ready to take on the world again. And you can find that place where you fit no matter what school you attend.
I worked in college student services for over 20 years. I understand the challenges and the red tape. But I also understand how to navigate those challenges and can help you get the best experience from your college life both in and out of the classroom.
Those challenges can be your greatest opportunity to become the person you want to be. And I can help you navigate that path.
Counseling for college students can include:
Help with adjustment and transition to college life
Career exploration and counseling
Learning to cope with anxiety or loneliness
Managing stress
Managing and understanding all those new relationships
Better understanding yourself in the process
Frequently Asked Questions about Therapy for College Students
College is intended to be challenging. Your professors want you to deliver your best quality work every time. Its easy to get overwhelmed will all of the work, all of the fun activities, and none of the structure or guidance that you had in high school. But we can work together to learn how to set priorities and goals that help you meet your academic goals and still have time for fun and new adventures.
The one thing they don’t tell you on the tours…You learn more about who you are than you do in the classroom. Things you thought you knew will be challenged with new and diverse perspectives. You’ll have the opportunity to make lots of new friends. You’ll also make lots of mistakes along the way. But you will have the opportunity to learn from those mistakes and grow. A counselor who is also an expert in college student development can help with this process. And you might be surprised at what you learn about yourself. I was.
Many colleges offer counseling on campus as part of their services. But there are limits on the number of sessions and sometimes its just hard to get the schedule to fit. College counseling with me is more flexible, easier to schedule, and not bound by only being able to offer 3 or 4 sessions. I can stick with you for your entire college career and beyond if you like to help you achieve all of your goals in life.
Yep. Sure can. And don’t worry if you start out in college as a business major only to get into your first accounting class and decide “nope” and then switch to teaching and then something else. Most students change their major at least once…in my case, three times. But I can help you find the answer to that question grownups have been asking you since you were five. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And I can help you figure out how to get there, too.