Therapy for Ambitious Professionals in Memphis and Throughout Tennessee
Rediscover Your Professional Calling
Career Counseling for Every Stage of Your Work Life

You’re Feeling Lost at Work Because the Job Just Doesn’t Fit You Anymore.
Work. A job. You spend a third of your life at a job that isn’t fulfilling for you. Your job isn’t feeding your need to give back, to produce, or to lead. Your job just isn’t challenging for you and you want to make a change.
That third of your life at work isn’t meeting your goals for personal growth, intellectual challenge, or providing the opportunities for advancement. You’re feeling stagnant and stuck. And you dread that third of the day, every day. Worse yet, you have a hard time leaving work at work and just being home. Work worries and thoughts keep you preoccupied at home and over the weekend making it more difficult to enjoy time with friends and family.
Sometimes that “what” has you so frustrated that you find yourself more irritable and cranky. You bring that frustration home with you and take it out on the dog, your roommate, your partner, or your children. Or you take it out on yourself by drinking more, not eating well, and not taking care of yourself. You’re burned out and tired. And you need something in that third of the day to change so that you can get back to feeling that sense of accomplishment again.
Your weekend used to be about time with family and maybe a few Sunday chores, but now you get the Sunday Scares right about the time church lets out or at halftime of your favorite team’s game.

You’re Trying to Find The Career Path that Feeds Your Passion
Or you’re just starting out. Maybe in school and graduating soon. People ask “What are you going to be when you grow up or finish school?” And you don’t have an answer because you aren’t sure yourself and aren’t sure where to start.
You’re nearing graduation and feeling that pressure, but you don’t have the answer that makes others happy. Heck, you don’t even have that career answer that makes you happy! You just know that you want to feel passion for what you do, rewarded for hard work, and supported to grow and advance professionally.
Most of all, you want to feel happy in your chosen career.
You Can Be Fulfilled at Work and in Your Career
Your work life can be fulfilling and rewarding. As odd as it might sound, you can find happiness and fulfillment in your work and your career. Instead of just being a way to keep food in the fridge and to pay the bills, your work life can be an incredibly rewarding and exhilarating third of your day. Almost as rewarding as the time you spend with your family, your children, or other loved ones.
Discovering your career path can be exciting and a little anxiety producing. But it’s better than feeling trapped in a job that just isn’t for you anymore. With specialized support, you can explore jobs or careers that might be similar or very different from what you thought your career would be. You can learn how to prepare for a career shift or the steps needed for more radical career change in a completely different field.

Whether you are…
Younger, in high school or college and wondering what you want to do when you grow up.
A mid-career professional who is bored or burned out with your current j-o-b.
Nearing retirement, but not quite ready to drop out of the workforce yet.
There are plenty of options for you at any stage of your life.
Career Counseling can help you:
Explore career options that align with your values and sense of purpose
Learn about career training options that suit your goals
Have a more fulfilling life at home
Find that right career fit based upon what is important to you
Discover the passion that drives your work
Feel accomplished and motivated in your work life
Frequently Asked Questions About Career Counseling Services
Career consulting and career counseling help you to identify your passion and your goals. Not necessarily for a job, but in the way you want to have an impact on the world and the type of work that interests you. As you develop a stronger sense of goals, values, and principles that shape your personality, we can identify and begin exploring career options and various pathways to success in your work life.
That trapped feeling is more common than you might think. Its normal to work in a career for 10 or even 20 years and then start to question whether it is the right fit. This is where burnout, boredom, decreased performance, and decreased work/life balance starts. But, even at the age of 40 or 50 it is possible to shift your career or your role into something that is more meaningful and challenging for you. That career shift doesn’t always mean going from being an electrician to a counselor, although I know someone who did. Sometimes it means seeking a similar, but newer role in a closely related field.
What comes after a lifetime of work can be a scary and exciting. You might be pushed into retirement because your employer has mandatory retirement programs for some employees. Other times, you might not be able to physically do the work anymore, but aren’t ready to just stop being productive. Retirement counseling can help identify and explore other avenues that help you to continue to be productive and contribute to your community, your church, or your home. But more on your own terms rather than on someone else’s.
Career counseling includes using a variety of tools and strategies to identify personal values and interests that defines who you are. Those values and interests can be used to target specific career fields that might be a good fit for you based upon your personality and past experience or interests. You might even discover a career option that was completely unknown to you. That’s pretty dang exciting.