Therapy for Ambitious Professionals in Memphis and Throughout Tennessee.
Rediscover your peace of mind
Feeling frazzled, tired, achy, confused, and lost?

Anxiety doesn’t have to control you or paralyze you any longer.
Anxiety is that sense of dread and feeling overwhelmed from doing too many things for too many people. You are left with no energy, no time, and no motivation for much of anything. Anxiety comes from stress about things you can’t control, things that you can’t change, and things that you wish were different. It affects your relationships with your partner, your children, your coworkers and, most of all, with yourself.
You might be having stomach pains or cramps, experiencing intense headaches, or have migraines on a regular basis. You’re feeling achy and tired and sick to your stomach and there doesn’t seem to be a reason why. You can’t sleep, you can’t eat, and you just want to cry or punch a wall. And its making it harder to get through the day.
Those anxious feelings and unreasonable expectations you have of yourself might isolate you from your family or friends. Making even simple decisions is impossible. Everything is confusing and overwhelming and messed up.
Mostly, its just plain exhausting getting out of bed in the morning and the thought of doing much else scares the hell out of you.
You didn’t always feel this stressed out.
Anxiety doesn’t have to control you any longer.
A certain amount of anxiety is normal. It actually can be helpful in some situations. But in those times when you feel overwhelmed, you can be okay. Instead, you can have greater control over your day and your feelings. You can accomplish what needs to get done and still have energy for your spouse and children. You can have enough energy at the end of the day to walk your dog or read to your children.
With help and support, you can address the root causes of your anxiety and develop tools that will help you live a more fulfilling life. You can learn to set boundaries that allow you to say “yes” when “yes” feels right you. You can learn the skills and tools to manage a “normal” level of anxiety while being on the lookout for increased tension or stress or fear. Mostly, you can be you again. And that’s a good thing.
Anger or fear doesn’t have to be your default response any longer.
You can have peace of mind.
Therapy for anxiety and anxious distress can help you:
Learn to trust others again
Improve your sense of wellbeing
Prioritize your own needs while still being there for the people you love
Manage and cope with panic attacks
LEARN to trust YOURSELF again

“I feel like learning to control my anxiety has become my superpower. I know there will be times when I feel anxious, but I’m not trapped there anymore.”
— College Junior
Frequently Asked Questions about Therapy for Anxiety
Basically, yes. Anxiety is a normal emotional response or feeling. In fact, nearly everyone feels some level of anxiety nearly every day for one reason or another. It tells us that something is going on with us that we need to pay attention to. Anxiety also motivates us to take action and do things.
But when we start to get bogged down by anxious and racing thoughts we start to feel distress. This increased anxiety that persists for a long time is not normal. But it is treatable and manageable. And you can learn to take control again.
Therapy for anxiety focuses on developing and using coping skills that help you manage those anxious feelings. Several methods include learning strategies to identify anxiety when it is small and manageable and doing something to cope before you are overwhelmed. We’ll start with learning simple strategies to cope in those anxious moments and build from there. Over time, you will learn the signals and triggers that indicate you are feeling more anxious. And you’ll learn how to manage even on days that are more difficult.
Depending on your specific needs, we might focus first on just getting through the day and learning to cope. Later on, therapy can include identifying sources of anxiety or situations where you might feel more anxious or distressed and learning how to navigate those circumstances accordingly. Therapy is active and engaging with an emphasis on building skills and understanding.
There is a lot of research that shows therapy is better than medication alone. Yes, medication can help in some cases. But better results are usually found in combination with therapy. Medication can dull the effects of anxiety, but also sometimes dull other feelings and emotions. Therapy can teach you to cope and manage anxiety in a way that allows you to feel normal.